Introducing Anaïs Fanti

After a wonderful visit earlier this year, we are very happy to introduce the first vintage from part of a new wave of talent in Alsace, the brilliant Anaïs Fanti.

Anaïs grew up in the village of Ammerschwihr in the region’s south, where her family has grown grapes for many years. After working as a nurse, Anaïs spent a formative time alongside growers in the birthplace of wine, Georgia, which inspired her to leave her day job and become the third generation to tend the family’s vines.

She has a total of just one and half hectares of vines up to fifty years old spread across tiny parcels surrounding the village. Anaïs grows Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir and Auxerrois with a focus on organics and biodynamics, seeking to obtain a diversity of life in the vineyards that is sometimes missing in Alsace, planting trees amongst the vines and letting wild grasses and flowers grow for much of the year. 

The wines are made in a space Anaïs has cleared under her uncle’s home in the village, which is one of the and smallest and simplest cellars we have seen. Her approach here is gentle, thoughtful and practical, with a handful of vats, barrels and an old press proving to be all she needs to produce some thrilling wines.

Anaïs’s wines are lively, fragrant and incredibly nourishing and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for this gifted young grower.

Anaïs’s wines are now live on Tutto a Casa