After a whirlwind tour of London these past few days, we are happy to share four new wines from Loire Valley vignerons, the Robinots.
It is always a pleasure to have Jean-Pierre, Juliette and Noëlla here and this time was no exception. These latest releases include some of our favourite wines from a marathon tasting with them at their home in the Sarthe the other month, along with a couple of things we’ve left resting in the cellar from previous releases.
As always the common thread between the wines that emerge from the labyrinth of caves beneath their vines is a kind of energy that is utterly unique. Time has told us that theirs are wines that reveal themselves slowly, garnering layers of complexity and finesse with age and it is certainly worth putting a few bottles down to enjoy over the coming years.
The Robinots’ wines are now live on Tutto a Casa